
About Sheikh Zayed

An exceptional and wise leader, the Founding Father Sheikh Zayed will forever be remembered as a noble knight and creative poet whose verses are rich in the beauty of language and the depth of meanings and are derived from his childhood environment and Arab values. His poetry is the fruit of an exquisite God-gifted talent refined with extensive knowledge of Arabic poetry across different eras.

Sheikh Zayed, the rational leader capable of prudently planning and constructing, was an eloquent poet with a vivid poetic imagination and a remarkable connection to the desert. His verses transport their reader to the aesthetic world of a life-celebrating knight who cherishes simplicity and abhors pretension, admires beauty, and indulges in human dilemmas. This poetic experience portrayed Sheikh Zayed as a noble figure who kept away from the constraints and complications of a ruler's life.

Sheikh Zayed's poetic legacy has largely contributed to the nation’s awakening and transformation. He preserved the Emirati heritage in his unique and distinctive Nabati poetry that stemmed from a rich cultural background. Sheikh Zayed acquired all the traits of a lyrical poet. His ever-innovative poetic talent enabled him to differentiate stylistically between various modes of speech. His extensive poetic knowledge earned him the description of “the walking poetic encyclopedia.” He memorized the poetry of his ancestors and was familiar with Bedouin terminology, Arabic prosody, poetic meters, and famous poets. He was fond of eloquent Arabic poets from the pre-Islamic era. His favorite poet was Al-Mutanabbi, one of the greatest Arabic language poets.

The reader of Sheikh Zayed’s poetry notices the serene humanitarian vibes depicted through the distinctive poetry that he employed to build the world. The essence of the leader always showed in his responses that emanated intelligence, boldness, poise, and fun. Truth is poetry and leadership are two complementary, yet inseparable characteristics of Sheikh Zayed’s personality. He instilled in the United Arab Emirates a patriotic love. The leader and poet at heart had a vision that enabled him to innovate, rule, and combine developing poetic forms with shaping a conscious person capable of keeping an open mind and loving heart.
