


Al Ain Book Festival

- Al Ain

A cultural literary festival celebrating literature, reading, and Emirati writers by offering an enriching experience abound with various cultural and interactive activities targeting youth and focusing on the rich cultural heritage to promote a sense of belonging, creativity, and innovation while enriching Al Ain City and elevating it on the stage of exhibitions and events.

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Kanz Al Jeel

Abu Dhabi

Kanz Al Jeel is an award launched by the Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre (ALC) to honour Nabati poetry pieces, folklore studies, and research by scholars and creators whose works represent the heritage of Nabati poetry and its inherent values.


The award draws its name from one of Sheikh Zayed’s renowned works underlining his great legacy in the world of poetry and creativity. The award also aims to promote creativity and critical thinking in order to create a poetic, critical, and artistic movement that will make Sheikh Zayed’s creative experience a focal point for new forms of creativity.

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